The world seems ready for a reboot of Murphy Brown. With the success of reboots like Roseanne, Will & Grace and Queer Eye, now seems like the perfect time to re-introduce the cast of crew of FYI, the fictional television news program Murphy once worked on. The long-running...
The premise of the new CBS comedy The Neighborhood is that a young white family has moved into a predominantly black neighborhood. The show hopes to earn laughs by delving into this situation and showing the cultural disparity between the new residents and the community....
The new CBS drama God Friended Me has a clear perspective. It’s unfortunate though that its perspective doesn’t allow for an openness that would create a depth to the proceedings. The show’s message is overt and it doesn’t give its characters the room to breathe or...
A Million Little Things, the new ABC drama, will likely remind viewers of NBC’s hit drama This is Us. Both programs focus on a close-knit group of individuals whose personal struggles are integral to the plot. However, this show quickly establishes its own identity by focusing...
In 2017, The Great British Baking Show changed dramatically when the duo that hosted the program and one of the two judges left. Behind the scenes, the long-running competition show changed networks and three of its most well-known faces decided to step away. Only Paul Hollywood...
The Sinner is a deceptively unique show. The first season featured Jessica Biel as a happily-married woman who murdered a man on a busy beach. The crime was witnessed by dozens so it seemed like an open and shut case. However, as the program continued, questions came to light...