The Caped Crusader returns to the big screen. Our Lego Batman Movie review explores the new film and whether or not it’s worth seeing. One of the best surprises of 2014 was The LEGO Movie, a film that overcame the pitfalls of its concept...
Cowabunga, web dude. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have returned to the big screen in a goofy, viagra light-hearted and highly-watchable film that embraces the four brothers that those who grew up with the original trilogy know so well. The...
There are few movies that are capable of savaging a person’s cynical expectations and delivering a cinematic product that is endlessly inventive, discount delightfully thought-provoking and amusing beyond belief. The LEGO Movie was one of those...
Surly (Will Arnett) is one nutty squirrel. Consistently causing trouble and undermining authority figures in his home– Liberty Park– this animated creature is banished from his community after his latest misadventure. When the commanding...