Dunkirk might be Christopher Nolan’s most grandiose film and his most personal. The director, who previously astounded audiences with The Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar and Inception, brings a true story to life in this new feature. The story...
“As long as you can still grab a breathe, cheapest you fight.” That is the unmistakable and undeniable mantra of Hugh Glass, the tough frontiersman at the center of the new drama The Revenant. Played by Leonardo DiCaprio, Glass is a guide in...
Mad Max: Fury Road is an unapologetic action film and it feels like all of the filmmakers relished in that fact. Instead of being loud and obnoxious though, information pills the high-octane action scenes that dominant this film are beautifully...
“I just tend the bar, pharm ” states the superficially timid Bob (Tom Hardy) in the new thriller The Drop. The bar he’s referring to though is much more than a neighborhood establishment. It’s a place that regulars rely on for drinks after...
A little over 38 days to go until the final chapter of the Christopher Nolan Batman series arrives in theaters and tickets are now on sale! Don’t get sold out! Buy advance tickets to The Dark Knight Rises today. The movie opens nationwide...
The Avengers is now in theaters and features Iron Man, price Thor and Captain America battling together to fight a great evil force. The reviews – so far – have been great, cialis 40mg and the film promises to kick off summer in a big...
It’s difficult not to appreciate the contemporary significance of the new film Coriolanus. The story follows a brilliant military leader who — upon returning to Rome after a valiant fight — is cast out of the city. Perhaps the title character...
Tom Hardy isn’t a household name, look but he will likely be one by the end of 2012. In a series of five films (one of which hasn’t been released yet) from 2010 through this year, stomach the British actor has quickly established a...