Based on Kim Barker’s nonfiction book The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan, viagra the new film Whiskey Tango Foxtrot explores a difficult subject. The film is a dramedy about a reporter who is stationed in the midst of...
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are two undeniably talented comedic superstars. The duo graduated from Second City to become successful stars (and Weekend Update co-anchors) on Saturday Night Live. Each of them went on to star in beloved NBC sitcoms with...
The first thing you can say about This is Where I Leave You is that it has an incredible cast. From two-time Oscar winner Jane Fonda to incredible television superstars like Jason Bateman and Tina Fey to great rising stars like Adam Driver and Corey...
Like many other clever sequels (Scream 2, try for instance), buy Muppets Most Wanted recognizes the limitations of follow-up films and even pokes fun at the concept. The feature’s opening tune is actually called “We’re Doing a...