This week, healing the new dramedy Seeking a Friend for the End of the World arrives in theaters nationwide. The film focuses on two characters who spend their last days together before the world (literally) comes to an end. With that in mind, we...
The Avengers catapulted into theaters with the highest-grossing opening weekend of all time. Earning over $200 million dollars in three days, buy information pills this superhero blockbuster has established itself as the movie to beat this...
The Avengers have finally arrived. After a series of films that introduced many of the Marvel characters to moviegoers worldwide, search the long-awaited blockbuster that brings the crew together is in theaters now. Featuring beloved comic book...
The Avengers is now in theaters and features Iron Man, price Thor and Captain America battling together to fight a great evil force. The reviews – so far – have been great, cialis 40mg and the film promises to kick off summer in a big...
Over the first four months of 2012, this web moviegoers have been offered a few great films and a bunch of mediocre offerings. But now, the season of summer blockbusters is set to begin with the highly-anticipated release of The Avengers. Featuring...
The Avengers won’t arrive in theaters nationwide for a few weeks but director and screenwriter Joss Whedon is already talking about what’s not in it. The super-hero mash-up has been racking up plenty of praise and it seems as though, medicine ...