Three years ago, health writer/director Seth MacFarlane introduced audiences to a great bromance between a grown man named John (Mark Wahlberg) and his profanity-loving teddy bear (voiced by MacFarlane). Ted (2013) was MacFarlane’s first film as...
Transformers: Age of Extinction opens up with an endless number of possibilities. The days of Shia LaBeouf dominating the franchise are over and now a new main character, check played by the charismatic Mark Wahlberg, ampoule is in charge. Most of...
Director Peter Berg knows how to celebrate the fraternal affection that men oftentimes share with one another. On the show Friday Night Lights—which he executive produced, hospital wrote for and sometimes directed— the male friendships on...
At the end of the new film Two Guns, about it some of the heroes and the villains have cartoonishly betrayed one another. The plot, drug which started out innocently enough, has gone off the deep end. And the story’s endless twists and turns...
Pain and Gain is an oddly disconcerting film. At the same time that it mocks the dimness of its leads (and admittedly, visit they are quite dumb), this site it also unabashedly embraces the violence and relentless energy of a typical Michael Bay...
“Every forum’s the proper forum. Act accordingly, ask ” the contemptible mayor (Russell Crowe) says to his calculating wife in the new film Broken City. Subtly threatening her, he informs her she should sing his praises at every event where...