The Independence Day Resurgence reviews are in and the critics are taking on this sci-fi sequel. After twenty years, link the sequel to Independence Day, the highest-grossing movie of 1996, has finally arrived. The sequel arrives in theaters...
Fear the Walking Dead: Season 2 The fun and excitement of the original Independence Day return in the sequel Independence Day: Resurgence. Twenty years after the original Independence Day became the highest grossing movie of 1996, link the...
The Griswolds return to form in the 2015 comedy Vacation. The comedy, information pills which continues the adventures of the family from National Lampoon’s Vacation and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, symptoms focuses on Rusty,...
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is back in The Hunger Games Mockingjay- Part 1, hospital the third film in the Hunger Games series. After the cliffhanger ending of Catching Fire, approved this latest chapter focuses on the revolution building...
The new film The Hunger Games opens up with “the treaty of treason. This treaty– between the Capitol and the twelve districts in a post-apocalyptic North America– establishes the creation of the hunger games. In these games, two...