Emma Watson was only eleven years old when the first Harry Potter film arrived in theaters. The cinematic series catapulted her to worldwide fame and for seven more features, the world watched as she grew up as her character on film. In a similar...
At first, viagra order director Darren Aronofsky felt like an odd choice to bring the biblical story Noah to the big screen. Aronofsky is known— in movies like Requiem for a Dream, pill Black Swan and yes, The Wrestler— for casting a camera on...
When a group of well-known celebrities collaborate on a film, diagnosis the results can be catastrophic. In Movie 43 (2013), we saw a dozen A-list actors embarrass themselves in a series of disparate and disgusting video segments. Likewise, in New...
“I didn’t think anyone noticed me, drug ” Charlie (Logan Lerman), states in the new film “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” after one of his new friends praises him at a party. Charlie, a freshman in high school, began the school...
William Shakespeare once wrote, information pills “To thine own self be true.” It’s an ironic line, information pills considering that hundreds of years after his death, page some still question whether or not Shakespeare is actually...