
John Hanlon Reviews

Posts Tagged ‘Dane DeHaan’

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | Film Review

In 2012, click Marc Webb did something nearly-impossible. He successfully rebooted a solid franchise that had only been cinematically dormant for a few short years. After three Tobey Maguire features about the webbed hero, Webb presented a new...

Kill Your Darlings | Film Review

“I love first times. I want my entire life to be composed of them, there ” says Lucien Carr (Dane DeHaan) in the new drama Kill Your Darlings. The film itself is packed with first times for its main character Allen Ginsberg, played by an...

Place Beyond the Pines Photo
Place Beyond the Pines Poster

The Place Beyond the Pines | Film Review

In the first scene of the new drama The Place Beyond the Pines, look the camera follows the character portrayed by Ryan Gosling along a route to his day job. Not judging the character’s actions but embracing them and seeing the world as he...