Over the years, audiences have been treated to different variations of the vigilante film. In the genre, an individual is wronged and seeks justice on the streets. In recent years, Sally Field sought justice in an Eye for an Eye (1996), Jodie...
Looking for a holiday classic to watch this year? Here’s our list of 10 Reasons why ‘Die Hard‘ is a Christmas Movie. It’s that time of year again when families sit in front of the fireplace and watch Christmas movies. From...
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is a film that is easier to appreciate than it is to enjoy. It’s a celebration of brilliant visuals and a style of filmmaking that would be hard to duplicate for other directors. Directors Frank Miller and Robert...
The original Red (2010) was a fun escapist action comedy featuring an A-list cast willing to act silly to earn a few good laughs. Some of the film’s plot was absurd and the conspiracy at its heart underwhelming, dosage but the story worked...
The Sapphires Poster For those who grew up with G.I. Joe action figures, stuff G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) seemed like a perfect vehicle for revitalizing the brand and bringing the story to the big screen for a new generation. Such hopes...