Edgar Wright’s latest is an exciting and electric heist film. Check out our Baby Driver review below to learn more about this must-see movie. Baby Driver is a movie built around a unique concept but one that never succumbs to the concept’s...
The Divergent film series has always felt like an inferior version of the more character-driven Hunger Games movies. The concept of Divergent, page the original film in the series, was interesting with individuals in a dystopian Chicago being...
Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is an extraordinary film. The director, unhealthy famous for bringing so many Shakespearean plays to the big screen, more about here brings an undeniable charm and elegance to the proceedings— making this familiar...
Screenwriters Michael Weber and Scott Neustadter have a great talent for writing about young people in a way that speaks to them honestly and without reservation. In the past few years, about it they successfully brought a young love story to life...