Star Wars: The Last Jedi changes up the franchise formula. It’s longer than any of its predecessors and its uneven tone sometimes doesn’t fit the series itself. However, the excitement remains with a plot that works commendably well in moving this story in a different...
Throughout the years, there have been numerous cinematic adaptations of A Christmas Carol. From Reginald Owen playing the infamous Scrooge in the 1938 film to George C. Scott portraying the figure in a 1984 adaptation to Michael Caine playing the character in The Muppet...
It was only a few months ago that the Patty Jenkins-helmed Wonder Woman showed what filmmakers in the DC comic book universe were capable of. In that feature, the filmmakers embraced the title character and led her on a unique and captivating journey. Justice League, which...
Thor: Ragnarok showcases a new look for the heroic title character and I’m not talking about the short haircut the hammer-wielding Avenger sports in the sequel. The fresh look reveals Thor to be a humorous and a self-aware character, whose charm comes across seamlessly...
There’s an early sequence in the drama Only The Brave that sets the stage for the film. Local fire chief Eric Marsh (Josh Brolin) leads his crew — and potential members of his crew — to the top of a mountain and looks at the surrounding woods. It’s a beautiful sight to...
In the past several years, films like Wolf of Wall Street (2013) and War Dogs (2016) have shown how greed can take hold of a person and never let go. The former focused on a wall street broker while the latter focused on two young men who became international weapons dealer....