Over the years, audiences have been treated to different variations of the vigilante film. In the genre, an individual is wronged and seeks justice on the streets. In recent years, Sally Field sought justice in an Eye for an Eye (1996), Jodie Foster fought back in The Brave...
“I’ve always enjoyed the camaraderie of good friends competing in games of chance and skill,” so states Gary (Jesse Plemons), the oft-ignored neighbor in the new comedy Game Night. The competition at the heart of this new film isn’t a traditional board game though....
“Just because something works doesn’t mean that it can’t be improved.” So states one of the main characters in the new superhero drama Black Panther. The same could be said about the Marvel cinematic universe. Many of the movies in that universe work commendably but...
When Clint Eastwood’s 2016 drama Sully arrived in theaters, many people thought they knew the story of Captain Chesley Sullenberger. They thought they knew what happened after the heroic pilot safely landed his malfunctioning plane on the Hudson River in 2009. The film...
It’s easy to be cynical about love. There are countless movies (and country songs) about cynics who have been betrayed in love and haunted by heartbreak. That’s how the new film Forever My Girl begins but the new feature has little interest in wallowing in such pain. Alex...