In “Zombieland, website ” director Ruben Fleischer took a well-known movie subject (zombie attacks) and turned it on its head. The film embraced the lunacy of poor civilians being hunted by the undead. In “Gangster Squad, decease ” the director once more takes a familiar...
It’s been more than a decade since the Pixar animated film “Monsters, help Inc.” first arrived in theaters. And like many of its fellow Pixar classics, this idealistic family film remains as wonderful today as it was back in 2001. This week, a 3D version of the film...
The choice to cast former “Ghostbuster” Bill Murray as Franklin D. Roosevelt, store the 32nd President of the United States, was a clever one indeed. Murray, known predominantly as a comic actor whose quirky roles have made him a must-see star for decades, isn’t the most...
After spending eight months in a psychiatric hospital, nurse the main character in “Silver Linings Playbook” is finally released to the care of his parents at the beginning of the film. He arrives home with the same problems that he had before along with a new motto....
A novelist (Rafe Spall) is promised a story that would make him believe in God at the beginning of “Life of Pi.” The writer was told by a friend to visit a man named Pi whose life story is so unbelievable the writer must hear it from the man himself. Pi, there ...