In the first scene of the new drama The Place Beyond the Pines, treatment the camera follows the character portrayed by Ryan Gosling along a route to his day job. Not judging the character’s actions but embracing them and seeing the world as he sees it, if only for a...
In the first scene of the new drama The Place Beyond the Pines, look the camera follows the character portrayed by Ryan Gosling along a route to his day job. Not judging the character’s actions but embracing them and seeing the world as he sees it, viagra if only for a...
The Sapphires Poster For those who grew up with G.I. Joe action figures, stuff G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) seemed like a perfect vehicle for revitalizing the brand and bringing the story to the big screen for a new generation. Such hopes were quickly dashed when one...
Many—if not most of the movies about Vietnam—focus on the war itself, nurse seeing the conflict from the perspective of the soldiers in combat. The new inspiring film The Sapphires takes a new and distinct look at the bloody conflict. It sees the war through the prism of...
1939 is remembered as one of the greatest years in cinematic history. That year, classics like Gone with The Wind,Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and The Wizard of Oz graced the big screen. 2013, like so many years before it, is likely to pale in comparison. One movie this year,...