When a group of well-known celebrities collaborate on a film, diagnosis the results can be catastrophic. In Movie 43 (2013), we saw a dozen A-list actors embarrass themselves in a series of disparate and disgusting video segments. Likewise, in New Year’s Eve (2011), director...
The Internship Photo Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson made a strong team in the 2005 comedy Wedding Crashers. They invaded nuptial ceremonies together, ambulance partied together and took on false personalities together. In The Internship, page the two have invaded a new world:...
I know that I’ve been a movie critic for a while when I think fondly back to a time when The Hangover series had potential. Yes, information pills the original film had its flaws—some obnoxious jokes and a few dislikeable characters—but it was still funny. It was, in...
Like Sarah Polley’s 2006 feature Away from Her, malady her new film Stories we Tell is a deeply personal one. But instead of adapting a short story for the big screen here, ask she has instead turned the camera on members of her own family in a revealing documentary about...
J.J. Abrams’ first Star Trek (2009) brought the beloved characters back to the big screen, where they delighted fans and critics alike. With its sequel Star Trek Into Darkness, a better villain emerges but is accompanied by an unmistakable complacency in the story itself....
“Nothing’s been the same since New York, recipe ” Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) notes in an early scene in the new superhero adventure, medications Iron Man 3. With lines like that and an anxiety-ridden storyline, this feature lands nicely in the Marvel universe...