Dwayne Johnson has a knack for choosing big-budget action films with an emotional core to them. In the Fast and the Furious series (which he joined in the fifth installment), there’s an emphasis on family. In this year’s Rampage, there’s a focus on the relationship that...
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, which clocks in at two hours and eight minutes, feels like two separate and distinct films. The first half of the movie revolves around an effort to rescue dinosaurs from Isla Nublar, the setting of the previous film (and the original). The second...
Avengers: Infinity War feels like both a beginning and end. The story, as incomplete as it is, marks the first time that the elusive Thanos (Josh Brolin) basks in the Marvel cinematic spotlight. For approximately a decade, the Infinity Stones have played a small but important...
In the 2015 comedy Trainwreck, Amy Schumer starred as a woman who wasn’t afraid of being herself. Written by the comedienne, that film focused on a woman who loved celebrating who she was and didn’t want to be defined by other people. Schumer’s new film I Feel Pretty turns...