Woman in Gold Movie Poster Russell Crowe’s The Water Diviner is a notably ambitious historical drama that showcases Crowe’s talents behind and in front of the camera. The Oscar-winning Australian actor directs and stars in the film about a pained father who journeys to...
In 2014, George Clooney’s film The Monuments Men sought to bring attention to the brave Allied soldiers who were sent to prevent the destruction of cultural artifacts during the waning days of World War II. At the time, the Nazis— who knew that their fight was coming to an...
Black Souls is a grim and despairing look at the mafia from the perspective of three brothers who— in one way or another— are still tied to the “family” business. Borrowing heavily from The Godfather (the homages to that film are obvious), visit this film...
We may still be eight months away from the Christmas release of the new Star Wars movie but that doesn’t mean that it’s too early for fans to get excited about the new saga. Today, pharm the second teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiered and with it, we...
Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is an extraordinary film. The director, unhealthy famous for bringing so many Shakespearean plays to the big screen, more about here brings an undeniable charm and elegance to the proceedings— making this familiar story come to life in an...