Released in 2013, the original Conjuring film successfully launched a franchise of horror films. Not only did the film spawn a sequel, it also set the stage for Annabelle (2014), a spin-off film focused on a possessed doll that merited a prequel. The Nun, the latest...
Operation Finale begins long after many World War II movies have ended. Hitler is dead. World War II is over. Freedom has prevailed. And yet, the scars from that terrible travesty remain for all those who survived the concentration camps and for all of those who lost people in...
Mission Impossible: Fallout is the type of film that invites viewers into the action. From an epic skydiving scene to a helicopter chase, the camera focuses in on its main actors — especially Tom Cruise — as they complete incredible stunts right in front of us. Cruise...
Han Solo is one of the most unique characters in the Star Wars universe. As his last name implies, he’s a loner who plays by his own rules and follows his own instincts. Unlike the previous series standalone Rogue One (which focused on the mission to steal the Death Star...
The first two Marvel movies of 2018 focused on large-scale rivalries. Black Panther, the best superhero movie of the year so far, culminated in a battle over the nation of Wakanda while Infinity War ended with a battle to stop Thanos from destroying half the population. Like...