Director Tim Burton is well-known for his ability to create unique landscapes in his cinematic creations. He created such a landscape in Batman and its sequel Batman Returns. His new film reunites two of the stars from the latter picture and brings them into a world of its...
The political world can change quickly. With news outlets covering candidates and public officials throughout the day, a leader at the top can fall very quickly. That was even the case in 1988. That’s the year that Colorado Senator Gary Hart was seen as the leader of the pack...
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms begins in the aftermath of a mother’s death. Christmas is quickly approaching and the Stahlbaum family is in mourning, with three young children longing for their late mother. On the night of an elegant party, Clara (Mackenzie Foy) — one of...
In 2016, director Jim Cummings’ Thunder Road won the short film grand jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival. That film, which focused on one man’s eulogy of his mother, was the beginning of something great and now Cummings has expanded his story into a narrative...
It’s hard to go into A Star is Born with few expectations. After all, this is a cinematic remake with two well-known stars leading the cast. Earlier versions of this story include the 1937 adaptation starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric March, the 1954 version featuring Judy...