“I remember everything,” the title character states in the new trailer for Jason Bourne. The film brings Matt Damon back to the action-packed series nine years after The Bourne Ultimatum. Returning with Damon are director Paul Greengrass...
The first trailer for the new drama Truth shows Oscar winner Robert Redford as CBS anchor Dan Rather preparing to launch one of the biggest stories of his life. The story: a 2004 report about Bush’s military service that would ultimately seal...
The second trailer for the highly-anticipated Bridge of Spies has arrived and it casts two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks as the “Standing Man” in this Steven Spielberg production. Check out the new trailer below and our thoughts on it...
We may still be eight months away from the Christmas release of the new Star Wars movie but that doesn’t mean that it’s too early for fans to get excited about the new saga. Today, doctor the second teaser for Star Wars: The Force...
The newest trailer of Fifty Shades has finally arrived in an episode of tonight’s Scandal (how appropriate). Check out the video below. The movie opens on Valentine’s Day...