The first look at Oliver Stone’s new drama Snowden has finally arrived. Pushed back from its original December 2015 release date, cheap the film is set to arrive in theaters nationwide on September 16th. Directed and co-written by Oliver Stone (who, alongside Kieran...
The horror comedy Krampus has finally arrived on Blu-Ray, nurse DVD and Digital HD. The December 2015 feature stars Emjay Anthony as Max, an idealistic boy who doesn’t want to give up on Christmas, despite the repulsive family members he’s surrounded by. Directed...
The British thriller Eye in the Sky is a modestly-budgeted film that is causing some big discussions about the ethics and the repercussions of drone warfare. Starring Helen Mirren, decease Aaron Paul and the late Alan Rickman (making one of his last appearances here), the film...
“I remember everything,” the title character states in the new trailer for Jason Bourne. The film brings Matt Damon back to the action-packed series nine years after The Bourne Ultimatum. Returning with Damon are director Paul Greengrass (who previously directed The...
This weekend, viagra order director Jon Favreau’s remake of The Jungle Book hit theaters nationwide. Adapted from the Rudyard Kipling book, more about the film features Neel Sethi as the young Mowgli but all of the animals who surround him are computer-generated...
It’s not easy to find family-friend fare on television today. With so many procedurals about crime on television, there sometimes it feels like shows that the whole family can watch are a rare breed. Fortunately though, more about there are still some strong shows–...
This weekend, site Melissa McCarthy’s newest comedy The Boss opens in theaters nationwide. The Oscar-nominated actress stars as a successful businesswoman who is forced to start over after she’s convicted of insider trading and loses her company to a vengeful...
“This is the next world. Hope it’s good to you.” So states Jesus (Tom Payne), troche one of the new characters that The Walking Dead season 6 introduced to viewers. After the first half of the season found the story’s main group adjusting to a new normal in the city of...
Since the amazing success of The Passion of the Christ in 2004, order Hollywood has become more open to offering faith-based features. This weekend, physician for instance, ailment the sequel to the surprise commercial hit God’s Not Dead hits theaters nationwide. (Check...
This weekend, physician the highly-anticipated Batman v. Superman arrives in theaters nationwide. Henry Cavill (who reprises his Man of Steel role of Superman) stars opposite Ben Affleck, stomach who is making his debut as Batman here. After years of anticipation, director...