This Friday, approved the long-awaited cinematic adaptation of The Giver arrives in theaters. For fans of the book, page one of the biggest questions surrounding the movie is how closely the film follows the novel. Although I was pleased by the movie (check out my full review...
I grew up with Robin Williams. When I was nine years old, approved Williams voiced the energetic genie in Aladdin (1992). When I was ten, salve he donned womens’ clothing to spend more time with his children in Mrs. Doubtfire (1993). When I was fourteen, he offered life...
You may not know who Brenton Thwaites is right now but you will soon enough. If you’ve been in a movie theater over the past several months, here you’ve probably seen him on the big screen. In April, site he shared painful memories of a mysterious mirror in the horror film...
The trailer for The Theory of Everything has arrived and it looks pretty spectacular. The movie– scheduled for a November 7th release– stars Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables) and Felicity Jones (Like Crazy) and tells the story of Stephen Hawking’s relationship...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to The Colbert Report last night. Colbert was mocking the name drops in Clinton’s new book Hard Choices but when Clinton arrived on stage, more about the two proceeded to compete in a game of “who can...
Last night Jimmy Fallon went head to head against The Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev in a game of giant beer pong on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Check out the video below to find out who...
Thanks to all who entered our Noah prize giveaway last week! We had great interest in the giveaway so thanks for participating. To be eligible for future entries, viagra 60mg please make sure to like my Facebook page today. Here’s a list of our winners! -Black novelty...
In honor of the July 29th DVD/ BluRay release of Noah, more about will be giving away some cool prizes associated with the film. The controversial film– which I reviewed here— stars Russell Crowe as the title character as he builds an ark to...
This week, order JohnHanlonReviews is offering up free passes to an advance screening of Hercules starring Dwayne Johnson. Directed by Brett Ratner (Rush Hour, remedy X-Men: The Last Stand), the epic drama sets Hercules up against a brutal warlord in a quest for power. The...
In only two short weeks, Noah– one of the most controversial but nicest surprises of 2014— arrives on DVD. (Today, it hits video on Demand.) In preparation for the DVD release, received an exclusive clip from the Noah DVD extras showing how...